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What would the items in the following graphic best be collectively called?

What would the items in the following graphic best be collectively called?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

Business impact values

Activation phase values

Maximum tolerable downtime values

Reconstitution impact times and values

C: Maximum tolerable downtime values. This is the timeframe between an unplanned interruption of business operations and the resumption of business at a reduced level of service. The BIA identifies which of the companys critical systems are needed for survival, and estimates the outage time that can be tolerated by the company as a result of various unfortunate events. The outage time that can be endured by a company is referred to as the maximum tolerable downtime.

One Comment on “What would the items in the following graphic best be collectively called?

  1. joe says:

    Maximum tolerable downtime values. This is the timeframe between an unplanned interruption of business operations and the resumption of business at a reduced level of service. The BIA identifies which of the companys critical systems are needed for survival, and estimates the outage time that can be tolerated by the company as a result of various unfortunate events. The outage time that can be endured by a company is referred to as the maximum tolerable downtime.
    最大允許停機值。這是商業運作的意外中斷和業務的恢復在提供服務的水平降低的時間表。 BIA的標識,該公司的關鍵系統的所需的生存,並且估計可以由公司容忍各種不幸事件的結果的中斷時間。可以由一個公司可以忍受的停電時間被稱為最大容許停機時間。



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