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If a company deliberately planted a flaw in one of its systems in the hope of detecting an attempted penetrati

If a company deliberately planted a flaw in one of its systems in the hope of detecting an attempted penetration and exploitation of this flaw, what would this be called?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

Incident recovery response




D: Companies need to be very careful about the items they use to entice intruders and attackers, because this may be seen as entrapment by the court. It is best to get the legal department involved before implementing these items. Putting a honeypot in place is usually seen as the use of enticement tools.

2 Comments on “If a company deliberately planted a flaw in one of its systems in the hope of detecting an attempted penetrati

  1. joe says:

    If a company deliberately planted a flaw in one of its systems in the hope of detecting an attempted penetration and exploitation of this flaw, what would this be called? 如果一家公司故意栽贓其在檢測這個漏洞的企圖滲透和開發,希望系統的一個缺陷,你會這樣叫?


  2. joe says:

    Incident recovery response, Entrapment, Illegal, Enticement = 事故恢復響應,包封,非法,誘惑

    Companies need to be very careful about the items they use to entice intruders and attackers, because this may be seen as entrapment by the court. It is best to get the legal department involved before implementing these items. Putting a honeypot in place is usually seen as the use of enticement tools.公司需要非常小心,他們用它來吸引入侵者和攻擊者的項目,因為這可能會被視為由法院滯留。最好是得到實施這些項目前涉及的法律部門。把一個蜜罐的地方通常被看作是使用誘惑的工具。



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