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5 Comments on “which of the following is the MOST appropriate hashing algorithm?

  1. Lake says:

    The most popular certificate used is the X.509 version 3. X.509 is a standard certificate format supported by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and many other standard organizations. Adopting a standard certificate format is important for systems to be assured of interoperability in a certificate-oriented environment. Notice that the certificate contains identifiers of two different algorithms used in the process. The signature algorithm is Md2RSA, and the digital signature algorithm is SHA1 (SHA). The certificate alos has a unique serial number issued by the CA.

    The correct aanswer is choice D, SHA.


  2. Mike says:

    Most certificates are based on the X.509 standard, which is a common PKI standard
    developed by the ITU-T that often incorporates the single sign-on (SSO) authentication
    method. This way, a recipient of a single X.509 certificate has access to multiple
    resources, possibly in multiple locations. Although difficult, X.509 certificates
    that use MD5 and SHA1 hashes can be compromised. For organizations worried
    about extremely resourceful hackers, a more powerful hashing algorithm such as
    SHA2 should be implemented with the certificate. X.509 is the core of the PKIX,
    which is the IETF’s Public Key Infrastructure (X.509) working group. Components
    of an X.509 certificate include the following:
    ■ Owner (user) information, including their public key
    ■ Certificate authority information, including their name, digital signature, serial
    number, issue and expiration date, and version

    I chose B. But SHA works and it is stronger. I’ll go with D too.



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