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What happens to the total number of shares provided to a resource pool by the parent pool (%Shares) if a virtu

What happens to the total number of shares provided to a resource pool by the parent pool (%Shares) if a virtual machine is removed from the resource pool?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

Remains the same



Remains the same if a custom share value was configured. Increases if a high, medium, or low value was configured

6 Comments on “What happens to the total number of shares provided to a resource pool by the parent pool (%Shares) if a virtu

  1. Jon says:

    This question is worded a bit tricky, but if I understand it correctly, it’s asking what would happen to the child pools resource value from the parent if a VM is removed from the child pool. If that is indeed the case, the answer should be A, it remains the same. Removing the VM from the child resource pool may affect the total number of shares and their corresponding value inside the pool, but it’s %shares from it’s parent will remain the same. I just tested this in a lab to confirm.


  2. adam turner says:

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