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CORRECT TEXT To bind a NIC to a single processor when using CoreXL on GAiA, you would use the command

To bind a NIC to a single processor when using CoreXL on GAiA, you would use the command

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Answer: sim affinity

sim affinity

4 Comments on “CORRECT TEXT To bind a NIC to a single processor when using CoreXL on GAiA, you would use the command

  1. john says:

    i know it is fw ctl affinity -s -i Interface_Name { CPU_ID [ CPU_ID … ] | all }, to set a core however after that you could use

    fw ctl affinity -s -i interface name
    fw ctl affinity -s -p PID
    fw ctl affinity -s -n Daemond name
    fw ctl affinity -s -k Instance ID

    the only one that makes sense is -i



  2. Vlad says:

    Performance Tuning Administration Guide R77 Versions – page 24 is where it starts:

    Identify the processing core to which the interfaces are directing traffic using fw ctl affinity -l -r

    And to answer this question it depends on if performance pack is running.
    If it is then : sim affininty

    If it is NOT then: set the affinity for each interface by editing fwaffinity.conf


  3. CampeonDelSiglo says:

    From Performance Tuning Administration Guide R77 page 30:

    To set interface affinities, you should use fw ctl affinity only if Performance Pack is not running.
    If Performance Pack is running, you should set affinities by using the Performance Pack sim affinity command. These settings will be persistent.
    If the Performance Pack sim affinity is set to Automatic mode (even if CoreXL Administration Performance Pack was subsequently disabled), you will not be able to set interface affinities by using fw ctl affinity -s.

    The question doesn’t specify Performance Pack (SecureXL) being used, it says when using CoreXL so I guess correct answer is:
    fw ctl affinity -s -i



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