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What should the administrator do to enable this environment for high availability and scalability of the appli

A system administrator needs to set a new Liberty profile environment to support an application.
What should the administrator do to enable this environment for high availability and scalability of
the application?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

Define multiple server members in one collective controller.

Define multiple servers in a cluster in one collective controller.

Define multiple collective controllers within a Liberty collective.

Define multiple server members in multiple collective controllers.

18 Comments on “What should the administrator do to enable this environment for high availability and scalability of the appli

  1. WASMan says:

    “A Liberty server cluster is comprised of two or more Liberty profiles configured into a server cluster within a Liberty collective.”

    The correct answer should be Define multiple servers in a cluster within a Liberty collective…but that answer doesn’t exist so it’s between B and C for me…


  2. certhunt says:

    a collective can have many servers with the collectiveMember-1.0 feature enabled that are called collective members and a collective can be configured to have many collective controllers.


    1. certhunt says:

      The collective controller provides for a centralized administrative control point to perform operations such as MBean routing, file transfer, and cluster management. A core role of collective controllers is to receive information, such as MBean attributes and operational state, from the members within the collective so that the data can be retrieved readily without having to invoke an operation on each individual member.


  3. certhunt says:

    A collective member can be configured with multiple collective controller endpoints. A collective member only communicates with one collective controller at a time; however, a configuration with more than one collective controller endpoint provides failover and workload balancing.


  4. xtonehari says:

    I think it is C

    Look at the last section “Scalable, Resilient Admin Domain”.

    The set of collective controllers within a collective is called a “replica set”. The replica set enables the size of a collective to scale out, as well as to provide a highly available administrative server environment.



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