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What can the administrator run to install the product?

A system administrator needs to install WebSphere Application Server using response files, so
that silent install can be done. The administrator has ensured that all required prerequisites have
already been installed and, has downloaded and expanded the required WebSphere Application
Server installation files.
What can the administrator run to install the product?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

install -options responsefile.xml -silent

install -acceptLicense -options responsefile.xml -silent

install-acceptLicense input responsefile.xml -log logfile.txt

IBMIM -acceptLicense -input responsefile.xml -log logfile.txt

31 Comments on “What can the administrator run to install the product?

  1. dealer says:

    This question is so fucked up, we can use imcl tool for command line installation and reposonse file processing. I’ve just installed WASND 8.5.5 using this line:

    /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl install -repositories /mnt/WebSphereInst/was/ -installationDirectory /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/ -sharedResourcesDirectory /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/IMShared/ -acceptLicense -showProgress

    So yes, we do have the “install” command. I’ll read technical doccumentation and update with the right answer.


    1. certhunt says:

      These are the allowed options of imcl which are used in question.
      C:\IBM\InstallationManager\eclipse\tools\> imcl.exe help
      input, -input
      Execute Installation Manager script file.
      install …
      Install packages or specific features.
      record, -record
      Record a response file.
      Indicate acceptance of the license agreement.
      -silent, -s
      Run Installation Manager in silent mode.
      -log, -l
      Create a log file from the program script execution.

      So C should be the right one ,


  2. Omicroms says:

    The correct answer, if option A, I installed my WAS with the following command:

    cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer1 /
    ./install -silent -options responsefile.base.txt

    The Log output is published at:


  3. ibmsucks says:

    Answer A looks similar to the command that was used for Installation of WAS 7. There is no version mentioned in the question.
    For V8.5 i would think it should be C, too.
    But i am not sure. It might be possible that the question was copied from a WAS 7 test. This one sucks definitly.


  4. Pravesh says:

    D is the correct answers.

    Using below command hundred of time for installation.

    CD C:\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse
    IBMIM.exe –launcher.ini silent-install.ini -input “C:\Software\V855 Software\WAS_8.5.5_ND\was8.5.5_nd_Full_install.xml” -log D:\Temp\was855nd\silent_install-log.xml -acceptLicense -sP -s


  5. Victor Gomez says:

    This a tricky question. no platform and no version is mentioned.

    For version 8.5.5 the command looks like ./imcl input responsefile.xml -acceptLicense -sP
    For version 7 the command looks like ./install –options responsefile.txt -silent

    This is exam is for a 8.5.5 certification, install is deprecated on 8.5.5 because you must use Installation manager and must use ibmim to create the response file and imcl to install WAS.

    I believe that the response is “None of the above”


  6. Wasser says:

    I agree that “none of the above” should be the answer but I think it’s possible the question is just very badly written. Answers A and B are akin to WAS 6/7. For answer D IBMIM would require a -silent flag. As such I think C is correct. Agreed there is no ./install command line tool in WAS 8.5 but Answer C has no “./”. You could argue the “install” is an input parameter for ./imcl which would be correct.



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