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Which of teh following options could further improve th…

A datacenter has suffered repeated burglaries that lead to equipment theft and arson. In the past, the thieves have demonstrated a determination to bypass any
installed safeguards. After mantraps had been installed to prevent tailgating, the thieves crashed through the wall of the datacenter with a vehicle after normal
business hours. Which of teh following options could further improve the physical safety and security of the datacenter? (select TWO).

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

Cipher locks


Escape routes

K-rated fencing

FM200 fire suppression

2 Comments on “Which of teh following options could further improve th…

  1. meac says:

    So burglars are invading the date centre in order to conduct “theft and arson”
    The questions is talking about PREVENTION and not MITIGATION.
    In other words, I am more concerned about stopping “theft and arson” happening in the first place and to identify the culprits which clearly were getting away with it for a very long time again and again
    So to my mind B-CCTV and D-K rated fences are the best answer
    E- Fm200 fire suppression will stop a fire, but it won’t prevent the actual action of committing arson (so it is not preventative at such, but remedial in nature
    K Ratings specifically measure how well a barrier such as a fence, gate, or bollard can stop an incoming vehicle. The ratings are dependent on the vehicle’s weight and speed as well, with a standard vehicle weighing in at 15,000 pounds. The intention of the K Ratings is to assess how strong a fence is in order to prevent a crashing vehicle from penetrating a barrier more than 36 inches beyond the fence bed.
    For example: a fence that can withstand a vehicle traveling 30 miles per hour will receive a level K4 rating. However, a fence that can withstand a vehicle traveling 50 miles per hour will receive a level K12 rating. These ratings are useful in helping organizations and companies determine what fence and what provider should be issued a contract.



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