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What is the command to check how many connections the firewall has detected for the SecureXL device?

What is the command to check how many connections the firewall has detected for the SecureXL

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

fw tab –t connections –s

fw tab -t cphwd_db –s

fw tab –t connection –s | grep template

fwaccel conns

2 Comments on “What is the command to check how many connections the firewall has detected for the SecureXL device?

  1. Sidza says:

    Check the acceleration statistics:

    [Expert@GW]# fwaccel stats
    Shows various number of connections accelerated, F2F and VPN acceleration.

    [Expert@GW]# fwaccel stats -s
    Displays a summary of connections accelerated versus non-accelerated.

    Check whether specific traffic utilizes the Accept Templates feature:

    [Expert@GW]# fwaccel templates

    Look for the template that matches the specific traffic.

    Check how many connections the Firewall has detected for the SecureXL device:

    [Expert@GW]# fw tab -t cphwd_db -s


  2. Sidza says:

    Check the state of acceleration (enabled or disabled):

    [Expert@GW]# fwaccel stat

    Check the existing connections in the SecureXL device:

    [Expert@GW]# fwaccel conns

    Output can be filtered by the flags (run the ‘fwaccel conns -h’ command):

    F / f = Forward to Firewall – The connection is not accelerated and must be inspected by Firewall kernel.
    U / u = Unidirectional – The connection can accelerate data packets on either C2S (Client-to-Server), or S2C (Server-to-Client). Data packets from the opposite direction will be forwarded to the Firewall Kernel.
    N / n = NAT is being performed on the connection by the acceleration device.
    A / a = Accounting is performed on the connection (either rulebase accounting, or SmartView Monitor is viewing the connection).
    C / c = Encryption is done on the connection by the acceleration device.
    P / p = The connection is partial / is not partial.
    S / s = The connection is PXL enabled / is PXL disabled.
    W / w = The connection is in wire mode.

    Check the number of connections handled by the SecureXL device:

    [Expert@GW]# fwaccel conns -s



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