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2 Comments on “What command would you run to establish this information?

  1. Sidza says:

    Check the state of acceleration (enabled or disabled):

    [Expert@GW]# fwaccel stat

    Check the existing connections in the SecureXL device:

    [Expert@GW]# fwaccel conns

    Output can be filtered by the flags (run the ‘fwaccel conns -h’ command):

    F / f = Forward to Firewall – The connection is not accelerated and must be inspected by Firewall kernel.
    U / u = Unidirectional – The connection can accelerate data packets on either C2S (Client-to-Server), or S2C (Server-to-Client). Data packets from the opposite direction will be forwarded to the Firewall Kernel.
    N / n = NAT is being performed on the connection by the acceleration device.
    A / a = Accounting is performed on the connection (either rulebase accounting, or SmartView Monitor is viewing the connection).
    C / c = Encryption is done on the connection by the acceleration device.
    P / p = The connection is partial / is not partial.
    S / s = The connection is PXL enabled / is PXL disabled.
    W / w = The connection is in wire mode.

    Check the number of connections handled by the SecureXL device:

    [Expert@GW]# fwaccel conns -s

    Check the acceleration statistics:

    [Expert@GW]# fwaccel stats
    Shows various number of connections accelerated, F2F and VPN acceleration.

    [Expert@GW]# fwaccel stats -s
    Displays a summary of connections accelerated versus non-accelerated.

    Check whether specific traffic utilizes the Accept Templates feature:

    [Expert@GW]# fwaccel templates

    Look for the template that matches the specific traffic.

    Check how many connections the Firewall has detected for the SecureXL device:

    [Expert@GW]# fw tab -t cphwd_db -s



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