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Which of the following recommendations would you make to the customer?

An AWS customer runs a public blogging website. The site users upload two million blog entries a month The
average blog entry size is 200 KB. The access rate to blog entries drops to negligible 6 months after publication
and users rarely access a blog entry 1 year after publication. Additionally, blog entries have a high update rate
during the first 3 months following publication, this drops to no updates after 6 months. The customer wants
to use CloudFront to improve his user’s load times. Which of the following recommendations would you make
to the customer?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

Duplicate entries into two different buckets and create two separate CloudFront distributions where S3
access is restricted only to Cloud Front identity

Create a CloudFront distribution with “US’Europe price class for US/Europe users and a different CloudFront
distribution with All Edge Locations’ for the remaining users.

Create a CloudFront distribution with S3 access restricted only to the CloudFront identity and partition the
blog entry’s location in S3 according to the month it was uploaded to be used with CloudFront behaviors.

Create a CloudFronl distribution with Restrict Viewer Access Forward Query string set to true and minimum
TTL of 0.

8 Comments on “Which of the following recommendations would you make to the customer?

  1. Wajahat says:

    C. Create a CloudFront distribution with S3 access restricted only to the CloudFront identity
    and partition the blog entry’s location in S3 according to the month it was uploaded to be
    used with CloudFront behaviors.



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