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Why would a user see a catalog item without seeing any …

Why would a user see a catalog item without seeing any other items in the service assigned to that item?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

The service does NOT include the item.

There are no actions assigned to the entitlement.

The user’s entitlement does NOT include the service.

The blueprint has NOT been published.

One Comment on “Why would a user see a catalog item without seeing any …

  1. FredC says:

    The answer is C. The question is poorly written. I’ll rephrase it: Why would a user see a catalog item without seeing any other catalog items in the service assigned to that catalog item? I’ll rephrase it yet another way: There is a service with catalog items. A user sees one of the catalog items but does not see the other catalog items.
    Choice A is incorrect because we have established the catalog item is in the service
    Choice B is incorrect because this has nothing to do with the actions
    Choice D is incorrect because blue prints that have not been published can not be added to services, nor be entitled. If the choice was “Unpublished” blueprint (meaning it had been published and later became unpublished) we could explore that aspect as a possible answer. But it doesn’t.
    It is easy to test Answer C. Got to Admin-Catalog-Services. Create a new service. Go to Catalog Items and add a bunch of blueprints to it. Go to entitlements, new, add a user that isn’t entitled to anything else. Entitle just the catalog item, not the service. Log in as that user, go to the catalog, and you’ll see the single catalog item and not all the other catalog items within the service. Now, go back to entitlements and entitle the service. When you return to the catalog, you will see all the catalog items within that service.



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