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Which statements regarding datastore clusters meets VMw…

Which statements regarding datastore clusters meets VMware’s recommended best practices?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

Clusters should contain only datastores presented from the same storage array.

Clusters should contain only datastores with equal hardware acceleration capability.

Clusters should contain only datastores with the same capacity.

Clusters should contain only datastores using the same connection method (iSCSI, FC, etc.).


5 Comments on “Which statements regarding datastore clusters meets VMw…

    1. Max says:

      Agree to B.

      As a best practice, do not include datastores that have hardware acceleration enabled in the same datastore cluster as datastores that do not have hardware acceleration enabled. Datastores in a datastore cluster must be homogeneous to guarantee hardware acceleration-supported behavior.

      BUT, also noticeable (same document):

      A datastore cluster can contain a mix of datastores with different sizes and I/O capacities, and can be from different arrays and vendors. However, the following types of datastores cannot coexist in a datastore cluster.

      NFS and VMFS datastores cannot be combined in the same datastore cluster.


      1. vMan says:

        The answer says hardware acceleration which is different than it’s I/O capacities. If one is capable and the other is not then it does not meet the practice.

        So yeah B for sure



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