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which of the following controls allows the device receiving the communications to verify that the received com

In wireless communication, which of the following controls allows the device receiving the
communications to verify that the received communications have not been altered in transit?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

Device authentication and data origin authentication

Wireless intrusion detection (IDS) and prevention systems (IPS)

The use of cryptographic hashes

Packet headers and trailers

Calculating cryptographic hashes for wireless communications allows the device receiving the
communications to verify that the received communications have not been altered in transit. This
prevents masquerading and message modification attacks. Device authentication and data origin
authentication is not the correct answer since authenticating wireless endpoints to each other
prevents man-in-the-middle attacks and masquerading. Wireless iDS / lPSs is not the correct answer
since wireless IDS/ lPSshave the ability to detect misconfigured devices and rogue devices, and
detect and possibly stop certain types of attacks. Packet headers and trailers alone do not ensure
that the content has not been altered.

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