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Depending on the complexity of an organization’s business continuity plan (BCP)…

Depending on the complexity of an organization’s business continuity plan (BCP), the plan may be
developed as a set of more than one plan to address various aspects of business continuity and
disaster recovery, in such an environment, it is essential that:

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

each plan is consistent with one another.

all plans are integrated into a single plan.

each plan is dependent on one another.

the sequence for implementation of all plans is defined.

Depending on the complexity of an organization, there could be more than one plan to address
various aspects of business continuity and disaster recovery. These do not necessarily have to be
integrated into one single plan. However, each plan has tobe consistent with other plans to have a
viable business continuity planning strategy. It may not be possible to define a sequence in which
plans have to be implemented, as it may be dependent on the nature of disaster, criticality, recovery
time, etc.

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