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Which two approaches can satisfy these objectives?

A corporate web application is deployed within an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and is connected to the
corporate data center via an iPsec VPN. The application must authenticate against the on-premises LDAP
server. After authentication, each logged-in user can only access an Amazon Simple Storage Space (S3)
keyspace specific to that user.
Which two approaches can satisfy these objectives? (Choose 2 answers)

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

Develop an identity broker that authenticates against IAM security Token service to assume a IAM role in
order to get temporary AWS security credentials The application calls the identity broker to get AWS
temporary security credentials with access to the appropriate S3 bucket.

The application authenticates against LOAP and retrieves the name of an IAM role associated with the user.
The application then cails the IAM Security Token Service to assume that IAM role The application can use the
temporary credentials to access the appropriate S3 bucket.

Develop an identity broker that authenticates against LDAP and then calls IAM Security Token Service to get
IAM federated user credentials The application calls the identity broker to get IAM federated user credentials
with access to the appropriate S3 bucket.

The application authenticates against LDAP the application then calls the AWS identity and Access
Management (IAM) Security service to log in to IAM using the LDAP credentials the application can use the
IAM temporary credentials to access the appropriate S3 bucket.

The application authenticates against IAM Security Token Service using the LDAP credentials the application
uses those temporary AWS security credentials to access the appropriate S3 bucket.

10 Comments on “Which two approaches can satisfy these objectives?

  1. siva says:

    User should authenticate against LDAP first; A and E are ruled out.
    B: Application cannot get IAM role from LDAP; ruled out.
    C and D are correct options



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