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Which AWS service helps to achieve this automation?

A user is using the AWS EC2. The user wants to make so that when there is an issue in the EC2
server, such as instance status failed, it should start a new instance in the user’s private cloud.
Which AWS service helps to achieve this automation?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

AWS CloudWatch + Cloudformation

AWS CloudWatch + AWS AutoScaling + AWS ELB

AWS CloudWatch + AWS VPC

AWS CloudWatch + AWS SNS

Amazon SNS can deliver notifications by SMS text message or email to the Amazon Simple
Queue Service (SQS. queues or to any HTTP endpoint. The user can configure a web service
(HTTP End point. in his data centre which receives data and launches an instance in the private
cloud. The user should configure the CloudWatch alarm to send a notification to SNS when the
“StatusCheckFailed” metric is true for the EC2 instance. The SNS topic can be configured to send
a notification to the user’s HTTP end point which launches an instance in the private cloud.

6 Comments on “Which AWS service helps to achieve this automation?

  1. RadwanoVetch says:

    Ans : D
    Amazon SNS can deliver notifications by SMS text message or email to the Amazon Simple Queue Service(SQS) queues or to any HTTP endpoint. The user can configure a web service (HTTP End point|) in his datacenter which receives data and launches an instance in the private cloud. The user should configure the CloudWatch alarm to send a notification to SNS when the “StatusCheckFailed” metric is true for the EC2 instance. The SNS topic can be configured to send a notification to the user’s HTTP end point which launches an instance in the private cloud.



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