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What will Auto Scaling do in this scenario?

A user has configured Auto Scaling with the minimum capacity as 2 and the desired capacity as 2.
The user is trying to terminate one of the existing instance with the command:
as-terminate-instance-in-auto-scaling-group<Instance ID> –decrement-desired-capacity
What will Auto Scaling do in this scenario?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

Terminates the instance and does not launch a new instance

Terminates the instance and updates the desired capacity to 1

Terminates the instance and updates the desired capacity and minimum size to 1

Throws an error

The Auto Scaling command as-terminate-instance-in-auto-scaling-group <Instance ID> will
terminate the
specific instance ID. The user is required to specify the parameter as –decrement-desiredcapacity. Then Auto Scaling will terminate the instance and decrease the desired capacity by 1. In
this case since the minimum size is 2, Auto Scaling will not allow the desired capacity to go below
2. Thus, it will throw an error.

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