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Are you able to integrate a multi-factor token service with the AWS Platform?

Are you able to integrate a multi-factor token service with the AWS Platform?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

Yes, using the AWS multi-factor token devices to authenticate users on the AWS platform.

No, you cannot integrate multi-factor token devices with the AWS platform.

Yes, you can integrate private multi-factor token devices to authenticate users to the AWS platform.

24 Comments on “Are you able to integrate a multi-factor token service with the AWS Platform?

    1. Nein says:


      Q. I already have a hardware authentication device from my place of work or from another service I use, can I re-use this device with AWS MFA?
      No. AWS MFA relies on knowing a unique secret associated with your authentication device in order to support its use. Because of security constraints that mandate such secrets never be shared between multiple parties, AWS MFA cannot support the use of your existing hardware authentication device. Only a compatible hardware authentication device purchased from Gemalto can be used with AWS MFA.


      1. Mitchell says:

        right the question is unclear. device – 0r devices – AWS MFA cannot support the use of your existing hardware authentication device. Only a compatible hardware authentication device purchased from Gemalto can be used with AWS MFA.


    2. Mitchell says:

      you are correct. “C” the question ask “are you able to integrate a MFA with AWS. No matter how the user receives the six digit numeric MFA code(Security token-based or SMS text), the user enters it on a second page of the sign-in process for the AWS Management Console, or passes it as a parameter to an AWS STSAPI call to get temporary credentials.


  1. Surren says:

    Answer is C – Private MFA does not apply here.

    Q. What is AWS MFA?

    AWS multi-factor authentication (AWS MFA) provides an extra level of security that you can apply to your AWS environment. You can enable AWS MFA for your AWS account and for individual AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users you create under your account.


  2. Saad says:


    This following tells me you cannot integrate private MFA devices.

    Q. I already have a hardware authentication device from my place of work or from another service I use, can I re-use this device with AWS MFA?
    No. AWS MFA relies on knowing a unique secret associated with your authentication device in order to support its use. Because of security constraints that mandate such secrets never be shared between multiple parties, AWS MFA cannot support the use of your existing hardware authentication device. Only a compatible hardware authentication device purchased from Gemalto can be used with AWS MFA.


  3. Duck Bro says:

    Q. What is AWS MFA?
    AWS multi-factor authentication (AWS MFA) provides an extra level of security that you can apply to your AWS environment. You can enable AWS MFA for your AWS account and for individual AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users you create under your account.


  4. merchant says:

    This does not make sense. I have an android phone and I am using MFA generated using google authenticator to log into my aws account. Isn’t that private.


  5. Anthony says:

    same as me. I am using the same google authenticator that I use in my private aws account at work as well. The device is my personal android phone, not aws device. So the answer is C


    1. Anthony Eghobor says:

      A is the right answer . AWS MFA devices means those supported by AWS ,which includes the Google authenticator


  6. princesly says:

    Notice no one ever gets everything correct on the exam? Questions like these are why!

    I am going with C on this.

    The question doesn’t inquire on Private MFA. I take it as basically using Google soft multi-factor token on my phone. AWS does not really provide a “multi-factor token device.” They offer MFA which is the service the following links are referring:


  7. CW says:

    The question is talking about the DEVICE.Since there is no prefix, like ‘from my workplace’, I can use like an mobile. it is private. it is an unclear question. I dont think it is a real question basically



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