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What type of steganography did these two suspects use?

Harold is a computer forensics investigator working for a consulting firm out of Atlanta Georgia. Harold is called
upon to help with a corporate espionage case in Miami Florida. Harold assists in the investigation by pulling all
the data from the computers allegedly used in the illegal activities. He finds that two suspects in the company
where stealing sensitive corporate information and selling it to competing companies. From the email and
instant messenger logs recovered, Harold has discovered that the two employees notified the buyers by writing
symbols on the back of specific stop signs. This way, the buyers knew when and where to meet with the
alleged suspects to buy the stolen material. What type of steganography did these two suspects use?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

Text semagram

Visual semagram

Grill cipher

Visual cipher

One Comment on “What type of steganography did these two suspects use?

  1. linofsl says:

    •Semagrams hide information by the use of symbols or signs. A visual semagram uses innocent-looking or everyday physical objects to convey a message, such as doodles or the positioning of items on a desk or Website. A text semagram hides a message by modifying the appearance of the carrier text, such as subtle changes in font size or type, adding extra spaces, or different flourishes in letters or handwritten text.

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