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How can the organization setup in this scenario?

An organization is planning to host a web application in the AWS VPC. The organization does not
want to host a database in the public cloud due to statutory requirements. How can the
organization setup in this scenario?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

The organization should plan the app server on the public subnet and database in the
organization’s data center and connect them with the VPN gateway.

The organization should plan the app server on the public subnet and use RDS with the private
subnet for a secure data operation.

The organization should use the public subnet for the app server and use RDS with a storage
gateway to access as well as sync the data securely from the local data center.

The organization should plan the app server on the public subnet and database in a private
subnet so it will not be in the public cloud.

A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a virtual network dedicated to the user’s AWS account. The user
can create subnets as per the requirement within a VPC. If the user wants to connect VPC from
his own data centre, he can setup a public and VPN only subnet which uses hardware VPN
access to connect with his data centre. When the user has configured this setup with Wizard, it
will create a virtual private gateway to route all the traffic of the VPN subnet. If the virtual private
gateway is attached with VPC and the user deletes the VPC from the console it will first
automatically detach the gateway and only then delete the VPC.

One Comment on “How can the organization setup in this scenario?

  1. James says:

    Little tricky is here from the question: “…dose not want to host a database in the public cloud…” Or both A and B should be the choices.



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