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Category: AWS-SAP (v.1)

Exam AWS-SAP: AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (update june 4th, 2017)

Which is correct?

Your firm has uploaded a large amount of aerial image data to S3 In the past, in your onpremises environment, you used a dedicated group of servers to oaten process this data and
used Rabbit MQ – An open source messaging system to get job information to the servers. Once
processed the data would go to tape and be shipped offsite. Your manager told you to stay with
the current design, and leverage AWS archival storage and messaging services to minimize cost.
Which is correct?

A customer is deploying an SSL enabled web application …

A customer is deploying an SSL enabled web application to AWS and would like to implement a
separation of roles between the EC2 service administrators that are entitled to login to instances
as well as making API calls and the security officers who will maintain and have exclusive access
to the application’s X.509 certificate that contains the private key.

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