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Based on the above whois record, what can an attacker do?

This is an example of whois record.

Sometimes a company shares a little too much information on their organization through public domain records. Based on the above whois record, what can an attacker do? (Select 2 answers)

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Search engines like Google, Bing will expose information listed on the WHOIS record

An attacker can attempt phishing and social engineering on targeted individuals using the
information from WHOIS record

Spammers can send unsolicited e-mails to addresses listed in the WHOIS record

IRS Agents will use this information to track individuals using the WHOIS record information

4 Comments on “Based on the above whois record, what can an attacker do?

    1. Ze says:

      I think the question is asking “what can an attacker do?”, that means that the attacker already used the search engines and/or whois to get the attached snapshot.

      so in that case A is not valid

  1. saad says:

    An attacker can attempt phishing and social engineering on targeted individuals using the
    information from WHOIS record

    Spammers can send unsolicited e-mails to addresses listed in the WHOIS record

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