PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

Which statement most accurately describes the HP Cloud Discovery Workshop?

Which statement most accurately describes the HP Cloud Discovery Workshop?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

It helps participants assess the potential and practicalities of using cloud-based solutions for the
long-term preservation of digital materials, focusing particularly on data that originates from
research or that supports research processes.

It provides guidance on how to address the high costs associated with siloed IT infrastructure
and provides a comparison with other similar industries.

It provides guidance on the optimum data center upgrade path, including a cross server and
storage utilization survey to determine cost reductions and cost avoidance opportunities.

It provides education on the cloud and multi-sourcing service delivery strategies; explanations
of the possibilities, risks, and business implications of the cloud; and recommendations for using
the cloud as part of a service provider and portfolio strategy.


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