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what is the sequence of events to execute this process?

You must set up three users to administer the artwork department. These users will be launching several applications with the EUID of department administrator. Using the RBAC mechanism, what is the sequence of events to execute this process?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

create entries for the applications in the RBAC profile database, associate a role with the new profile entry, and give the three users access to the role

update the $HOME/.rbac_privs file for each user to point to applications in question and amend the user attribute database to use the admin EUID with these applications

create entries for the applications in the RBAC policy attributes database, associate a profile with the new policy entry, associate a role with this profile, and give the three users access to the role

create entries for the applications in the RBAC execution attributes database, associate a profile with the new execution entry, associate a role with this profile, and give the three users access to the role

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