What is the function of the Fibre Channel name server?
It retrieves all files from a file store by name.
It provides service to register Fibre Channel N_Ports.
It partitions Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs).
It load balances the SAN traffic.
The Fibre Channel Name Server provides a way for N_Ports and NL_Ports to register and discover Fibre
Channel attributes. Such attributes include names, addresses, types, features, etc., at various protocol layers,
including upper layer protocols specific to Fibre Channel (which are sometimes called “FC-4s”).
Communication with the Name Server is via Fibre Channel’s CT (Common Transport for Generic Services)
using “Information Units” (called CT_IUs) as either requests, responses, or unsolicited.
Reference: https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4438.txt