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You need to ensure that only the required Microsoft AJAX Framework Javascript files are loaded.

You are implementing an ASP.NET web page that contains a ScriptManager control. You need to
ensure that only the required Microsoft AJAX Framework Javascript files are loaded.

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

Set the AjaxFrameworkMode property of the ScriptManager to Enabled, and reference each
javascript file by adding a ScriptReference for each required file.

Set the AjaxFrameworkMode property of the ScriptManager to Explicit, and reference each
JavaScript file by adding a ScriptReference for each required file.

Set the AjaxFrameworkMode property of the ScriptManager to Disabled, and reference each
JavaScript file by adding a ScriptReference for each required file.

Set the AjaxFrameworkMode property of the ScriptManager to Enabled, and manually add a
reference to each required JavaScript file to the HTML page head element.


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