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Tag: Exam 70-516 (update August 18th

Which .config connection string should you use remedy this security risk?

There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.
PassGuideApp connects to a MS SQL Server 2008 database PassGuideDB on server
PassGuideApp uses a Microsoft ADO.NET SQL Server managed provider.
The application logs connection failures in a .config file. This information is a security risk
as it is stored in plain text format. Which .config connection string should you use remedy
this security risk?

What action should you take?

<EntityType Name= “EmployeeCt”>
<PropertyRef Name=”EmployeeCtID”/>
<Property Name=”EmployeeCtlD” Type=”int” Nullable=”false”
<Property Name= “ParentEmployeeCtID” Type=”int”/>
<Property Name= “Name” Type=”nvarchar” Nullable=”false” MaxLength=”20”/>
There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.
PassGuideApp uses a Microsoft ADO.NET Entity Framework.
You create a new entity named EmployeeCt.
Please refer to the exhibit.
ModifedDate (is automatically set whenever the entity is updated) and Rowguid (is
automatically generated when the entity is created) must be added as entity-tracking fields.
What action should you take?

How can this be achieved?

There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.
PassGuideApp connects to the MS SQL Server database PassGuideDB.
PassGuideDB is accessed through stored procedures.
The stored procedures return multiple result sets.
The data must be returned as strongly typed values.
How can this be achieved?

Note: The ADO.NET LINQ to SQL model is used to retrieve the data.

You need to ensure that all Physical products are bound to the Physical class

There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.

PassGuideApp connects to the MS SQL Server database PassGuideDB.
PassGuideDB has a table Products, which have information on all PassGuide products.
The Products table a column ProductType.
ProductType is either digital or physical.
The Products entity has been declared a base type.
There is an Association entity named Physical that inherits the Products base type.
You need to ensure that all Physical products are bound to the Physical class.

How can this be achieved?

Employee XML Schema Exhibit:
<EntityType Name ’XPerson”
<PropertyRef Name=”PersonId” I>
<Property Name=”Employeeid” Typel=”int32” Nullable=”false” />
<Property Name=”PersonalData” Type=”String”/>
<Property Name=”City” Type”String”/>
<Property Name=”Zip” Type=’String”/>
There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.
The MS ADO.NET EDM (Entity Data Model) is used by PassGuideApp.
PassGuideApp has an entity Employee.
The schema of Employee is being displayed in the exhibit.
Entities within PassGuideApp should be able add Employee properties weight, height, and
sex (all related to PersonalData).
How can this be achieved?

How can you ensure that the entities can be sent to the service in XML format?

There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.
PassGuideApp uses the ADO.NET Entity Framework.
POCO is used for entity modeling.
WCF data services service is used.
How can you ensure that the entities can be sent to the service in XML format?

Note: Plain Old CLR Objects: POCO
WCP: Windows Communication Foundation

What action should be taken?

There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.
PassGuideApp connects to a MS SQL Server database PassGuideDB.
To obtain data from PassGuideDB the ADO .NET Entity Framework to is used.
A new type is added.

The new type should organize scales values within a specific entity.
Stored procedures will be used to manage instances of the type.
What action should be taken.

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