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what can Cross Component Trace capture?

In addition to logging changes, what can Cross Component Trace capture?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

The user agent of the browser that has initiated the request.

The last time that the component was updated by a code deploy.

The time that the component was started in the application server.

Data snapshots that store entire request and response bodies on the file system.

Cross Component Trace (XCT) annotates the logs so that log entries that are related to a request that is
serviced by more than one thread, process, or even server are identified as belonging to the same unit of work.
XCT log records are typically added to the logs to:
demarcate the beginning and ending of work for a particular request on a particular thread.
demarcate when work is about to be transferred to another thread or process, or to indicate when work
returned from another thread or process.
demarcate when work moves from major component to major component, even if work continues on the
same thread; for example to show transfer of control from application server code to application code.

3 Comments on “what can Cross Component Trace capture?

    1. Sy says:

      definitly D :

      Enable XCT to capture data snapshots when you want to store entire request and response bodies to the file system. Enabling XCT to capture data snapshots might have a significant performance impact on your system, so is best suited to test and development environments. XCT captures data snapshots for message requests and responses handled by the SIBus.



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