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Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the CHAP authentication system?

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the CHAP authentication system?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

A certificate being handed from the server to the client once authentication has been established. If you have a pass, you can wander throughout the network. BUT limited access is allowed.

If your token does not grant you access to certain information, that information will either not be displayed or your access will be denied. The authentication system creates a token every time a user or a session begins. At the completion of a session, the token is destroyed

The authentication process uses a Key Distribution Center (KDC) to orchestrate the entire process. The KDC authenticates the network. Principles can be users, programs, or systems. The KDC provides a ticket to the network. Once this ticket is issued, it can be used to authenticate against other principles. This occurs automatically when a request or service is performed by another network.

The initiator sends a logon request from the client to the server. The server sends a challenge back to the client. The challenge is encrypted and then sent back to the server. The server compares the value from the client and if the information matches, the server grants authorization.
If the response fails, the session fails and the request phase starts over

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