Oracle Exam questions  


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08/02/2021 8:05 am  

Hello Admin,

are the Oracle Exam questions still available? I have 404 error: Page not found.

Thank you

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23/02/2021 5:11 am  

still waiting for Oracle Exams.


Why did it happen?

New Member
Joined:3 years  ago
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03/03/2021 8:48 am  

did you have any answer to that question?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers
New Member
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22/03/2021 8:34 am  

Dear Admins,

are oracle exams completely cut off on your page?

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24/03/2021 8:24 am  

Same here. I'm beginning to think to create o colab group to share questions and discussing the appropriate answers. If you guys like the idea, please share your suggestion to make this work, beginning with this Facebook Group, to join all you guys:
As is in the briefmenow, the idea is to make this full free. I can start with an question list of 180q that have here.

Active Member
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Posts: 5
24/03/2021 8:25 am  

Same here. I'm beginning to think to create o colab group to share questions and discussing the appropriate answers. If you guys like the idea, please share your suggestion to make this work, beginning with this Facebook Group, to join all you guys:
As is in the briefmenow, the idea is to make this full free. I can start with an question list of 180q that have here.

New Member
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28/03/2021 8:56 am  

Hello. I can not enter oracle exam. Can you help me?

Active Member
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03/04/2021 8:10 am  

please can you give some information about the status of Oracle Exams?

it is deleted permanantly?

Famed Member Admin
Joined:13 years  ago
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10/12/2021 7:17 am  

Oracle sent a complaint.

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