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Which configuration should you set?

Your cluster is running MapReduce version 2 (MRv2) on YARN. Your ResourceManager is
configured to use the FairScheduler. Now you want to configure your scheduler such that a new
user on the cluster can submit jobs into their own queue application submission. Which
configuration should you set?

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You can specify new queue name when user submits a job and new queue can be created
dynamically if the property yarn.scheduler.fair.allow-undecleared-pools = true

Yarn.scheduler.fair.user.fair-as-default-queue = false and yarn.scheduler.fair.allowundecleared-pools = true

You can specify new queue name when user submits a job and new queue can be created
dynamically if yarn .schedule.fair.user-as-default-queue = false

You can specify new queue name per application in allocations.xml file and have new jobs
automatically assigned to the application queue

10 Comments on “Which configuration should you set?

  1. Yuriy says:
    If this is true, new queues can be created at application submission time, whether because they are specified as the application’s queue by the submitter or because they are placed there by the user-as-default-queue property. If this is false, any time an app would be placed in a queue that is not specified in the allocations file, it is placed in the “default” queue instead. Defaults to true. If a queue placement policy is given in the allocations file, this property is ignored.
    so A is correct


  2. Yuriy says:

    D is also correct:
    ” I’ve explicitly set my username to have upper and lower bounds on the maps and reduces, and allotted myself double the number of running jobs. Now, if I run hive or pig jobs from either the console or via the Hue web interface, I’ll be treated “fairly” by the JobTracker. There’s a lot more tweaking that can be done to the allocations file, so it’s best to dig down into the description and start trying out allocations that might fit your workload.”


  3. Trung Phan says:

    From Document: Definitive Guide – Version 4, Page 93.
    I said that:
    It’s also possible to set this policy without using an allocation file, by setting
    yarn.scheduler.fair.user-as-default-queue=false so that applications will be placed in the default queue rather than a per-user queue.
    In addition,
    yarn.scheduler.fair.allow-undeclared-pools=false so that users can’t create queues on the fly.
    so that, if we want “a new user on the cluster can submit jobs into their own queue application submission” as asked by question, I think we need set-up as following:

    from Multi-choice questions above, my view: only A is most suitable.


  4. zhushuli says:

    Answer : A


    When true, new pools can be created at
    application submission time or by the
    user-as-default-queue property. When
    false, submitting to a pool that is not
    specified in the fair-scheduler.xml
    file causes the application to be placed in
    the “default” pool. Default: true. Ignored if
    a pool placement policy is defined in the
    fair-scheduler.xml file.

    Send jobs to pools based on users’
    names instead of to the default pool,
    root.default. Default: true.


  5. Niraj Sinha says:

    Allow Undeclared Pools
    yarn.scheduler.fair.allow-undeclared-pools True
    When set to true, pools specified in applications but not explicitly configured, are created at runtime with default settings. When set to false, applications specifying pools not explicitly configured run in a pool named default. This setting applies when an application explicitly specifies a pool and when the application runs in a pool named with the username associated with the application.

    Above line is from Cloudera Manager Dynamic Pool tab.

    So Answer is “A”




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