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What happens when you issue the third command?

Assume you have a file named foo.txt in your local directory. You issue the following three
commands: Hadoop fs –mkdir input Hadoop fs –put foo.txt input/foo.txt Hadoop fs –put
foo.txt input What happens when you issue the third command?

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

The file is uploaded and stored as a plain file named input

You get a error message telling you that foo.txt already exists. The file is not written to

The write silently fails

You get an error message telling you that input is not a directory

You get a warning that foo.txt is being overwritten

The write succeeds, overwriting foo.txt in HDFS with no warning

You get an error message telling you that foo.txt already exists, and asking you if you
would like to overwrite it.

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