Microsoft Exam Questions

Which of the following is used to display a trend based on adjacent data in a clear and compact grap

Which of the following is used to display a trend based on adjacent data in a clear and compact graphical representation by taking up a small amount of space?

A. Trendline
B. Line chart

C. Sparkline

D. Backstage view

A sparkline is defined as a tiny chart in the background of a cell. Unlike charts on an Excel Worksheet, sparklines are not objects. It is used because data presented in a row or column is useful, but patterns can be hard to spot at a glance. It is used to display a trend based on adjacent data in a clear and compact graphical representation by taking up a small amount of space.
The benefit of using the sparklines is that these can be printed when a user prints a worksheet that contains them. This feature is not available in charts.
Answer option D is incorrect. The Microsoft Office Backstage view is used to replace the traditional file menu with a new approach that uses In and Out features for efficiency. The improved Ribbon enables users to access their preferred commands rapidly and create custom tabs to personalize the way they work.
Answer option A is incorrect. A trendline is defined in Excel 2010. It is a data visualization tool to display the trend of a particular data range.
It is used to show the slope of data points in a chart. There are various types of trendlines, such as linear trendlines, exponential trendlines, and linear forecast trendlines.
Answer option B is incorrect. Excel provides a column chart facility to display data that is arranged in columns or rows on a worksheet. Line charts are used to display continuous data over time, set against a common scale. In a line chart, category data is distributed along the horizontal axis, and all value data is distributed along the vertical axis. Line charts are ideal for showing trends in data at equal intervals.

A line chart should be used where category labels are text, and are representing evenly spaced Values such as months, quarters, or years.