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We understand that we need a list of supervisors and sublists of their relative students

You have a C# code snippet with 2 classes, one composed by elements of the other.
Something like
public class Student
public string Name {get;set;}
public class Supervisor
public string name {get;set;}
public List<Student> {get;set;}
And a markup code snippet, with 2 repeaters imbricated + a ObjectDataSource retrieving a list of Supervisors,
the top level repeater “rptSupervisors” is bound using ObjectDataSourceID to the ObjectDataSource, andthe
inside one “rptStudents” is not bound yet.
We understand that we need a list of supervisors and sublists of their relative students.

PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

bind rptStudents with the list of current item inSupervisorsList using the ItemDataBound event of the
rptStudents repeater

bind rptStudents with the list of current item inSupervisorsList using the ItemCommand event of the
rptSupervisor repeater

databinding directly the rptStudents in the page load or something dummy like that (don’t remember

another dummy solution involving a “supervisors have all the same students” situation

right answer not available

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