IBM Exam Questions

How should the BPM application developer respond?

A client executive has asked a BPM application developer to provide the focus areas for
four playbacks. How should the BPM application developer respond?

Playback 0: Process discovery and high level business process. Playback 1: Data model,
process flow and human services Playback 2: Business rules and integrations Playback 3:
Consolidation of previous themes

Playback 0: Process flow implementation Playback 1: Business rules Playback 2: Human
services and data mapping Playback 3: Integrations, corner cases and error handling

Playback 0: BlueworksLive model Playback 1: Process discovery Playback 2: Human
services and data mapping Playback 3: Integrations and consolidation of previous themes

Playback 0: BlueworksLive model Playback 1: Process diagram in Process Designer
Playback 2: User interfaces and integrations Playback 3: Error Handling