Exam 70-467  


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05/11/2019 8:43 am  

The sales database includes a table named Customers that contains 45 columns and two tables that record all sales. The database does not store aggregated sales data. The database is continually maintained to provide optimal indexing. The database server is sized appropriately.  The marketing  department requests a delimited text file that includes six fields containing customer demographic information from the Customer table.  You have the following requirenments

  • Display the CustomerID in the first column. Organize the remaining columns alphaetically by column heading
  • Sort Rows in Customer ID order
  • Aggregate gross annual sales
  • Minimize the time required to return the result



A  -Only a SQL command -based and a Flat file destination

B  - A table -based OLE DB Source, a script component and a Flat file destination

C  - A SQL command -based OLE DB Source Aggregate and Sort Transformations and a Flat file destination

D   - A table -based OLE DB Source Lookup, Aggregate and Sort Transformations and a Flat file

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