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12 Comments on “which two components provide connectivity with external networks?

    1. Mavrick says:

      I think it was B & C. If a instance need to communicate with internet , it should be trough NAT Gateway or IGW. VPG for connecting ON-PREM to VPC.


      1. Justin says:

        It’s C and D. IGW for internet and VGW for external network (corp). A NAT won’t get you out to the internet without IGW.


  1. BDA says:

    C & D

    A – Elastic IP’s are applied to Instances, not VPC
    B – NAT is used to forward packets between public and private subnets, not provide connectivity to networks outside of VPC,
    NAT is applied to instance also, by disabling src/dest checks.


  2. David says:

    A. Elastic IPS (EIP) – Wrong it’s just add a Public IP

    B. NAT Gateway (NAT) – Correct!!! “You can use a network address translation (NAT) gateway to enable instances in a private subnet to connect to the Internet or other AWS services, but prevent the Internet from initiating a connection with those instances. ”

    C. Internet Gateway {IGW) – Correct! – it’s will add a public internet access

    Virtual Private Gateway (VGW) – Wrong! it’s just a software layer that connect you with on-premises VPN and the network must be initialize by the customer side.!
    “A virtual private gateway is the VPN concentrator on the Amazon side of the VPN connection. ”


  3. Sam T says:

    NAT Gateway is Not correct. NAT will need to use IGW to connect to outside. It can not do anything by itself. Unlike IGW and VGW – they would directly take you outside.



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