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Category: AWS-SAA (v.3)

Briefing AWS-SAA: AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate (update October 26th, 2017)

Which is correct?

Your firm has uploaded a large amount of aerial image data to S3 In the past, in your onpremises environment, you used a dedicated group of servers to oaten process this data and
used Rabbit MQ -An open source messaging system to get job information to the servers.
Once processed the data would go to tape and be shipped offsite. Your manager told you to
stay with the current design, and leverage AWS archival storage and messaging services to
minimize cost. Which is correct?

What configuration in AWS Ops Works is necessary to int…

A web-startup runs its very successful social news application on Amazon EC2 with an Elastic
Load Balancer, an Auto-Scaling group of Java/Tomcat application-servers, and DynamoDB
as data store. The main web-application best runs on m2 x large instances since it is highly
memory-bound Each new deployment requires semi-automated creation and testing of a new
AMI for the application servers which takes quite a while ana is therefore only done once per
week. Recently, a new chat feature has been implemented in nodejs and wails to be
integrated in the architecture. First tests show that the new component is CPU bound

Because the company has some experience with using Chef, they decided to streamline the
deployment process and use AWS Ops Works as an application life cycle tool to simplify
management of the application and reduce the deployment cycles.
What configuration in AWS Ops Works is necessary to integrate the new chat module in the
most cost-efficient and flexible way?

How do you fix your usage dashboard’?

You deployed your company website using Elastic Beanstalk and you enabled log file rotation
to S3. An Elastic Map Reduce job is periodically analyzing the logs on S3 to build a usage
dashboard that you share with your CIO. You recently improved overall performance of the
website using Cloud Front for dynamic content delivery and your website as the origin
After this architectural change, the usage dashboard shows that the traffic on your website
dropped by an order of magnitude. How do you fix your usage dashboard’?

What is the best approach to meet your customer’s requi…

Your customer is willing to consolidate their log streams (access logs application logs security
logs etc.) in one single system. Once consolidated, the customer wants to analyze these logs
in real time based on heuristics. From time to time, the customer needs to validate heuristics,
which requires going back to data samples extracted from the last 12 hours?
What is the best approach to meet your customer’s requirements?

Identify which option will allow you to achieve this goal.

You are looking to migrate your Development (Dev) and Test environments to AWS. You
have decided to use separate AWS accounts to host each environment. You plan to link each
accounts bill to a Master AWS account using Consolidated Billing. To make sure you Keep
within budget you would like to implement a way for administrators in the Master account to
have access to stop, delete and/or terminate resources in both the Dev and Test accounts.
Identify which option will allow you to achieve this goal.

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