JAVA/Sun Exam Questions

What is the characteristic of this /etc/shadow entry?

Given: jupiter:$md5,rounds=2006$2amXesSj5$$kCF48vfPsHDjlKNXeEw7V.:12210:::::: What is the characteristic of this /etc/shadow entry?

User jupiter uses the md5 hash, with salt 2006$2amXesSj5$, and with the encrypted password $kCF48vfPsHDjlKNXeEw7V.

User jupiter uses the 2a hash, with 2006 iterations of the hash, with salt 2amXesSj5, and with the encrypted password kCF48vfPsHDjlKNXeEw7V.

User jupiter uses the md5 hash, with 2006 iterations of the hash, with salt 2amXesSj5, and with the encrypted password kCF48vfPsHDjlKNXeEw7V.

User jupiter uses the md5 hash, with 2006 iterations of the hash, with no salt, and with the encrypted password $rQmXesSj5$$kCF48vfPsHDjlKNXeEw7V.