Microsoft Exam Questions

You need to enable inspection of the malformed data and prevent message tampering

You create a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)service and deploy it with wsHttpBinding and
message security enabled. You create an intermediate WCF service for logging messages sent to the primary
service. The intermediate service is called via endpoint behaviour. The primary service is receiving malformed
data from a client application. You need to enable inspection of the malformed data and prevent message
tampering. What do you do?

Specify a protection level of None in the contract for the intermediate service. Disable message and
transport security from the client application configuration file.

Specify a protection level of Sign in the contract for the intermediate service. Disable transport security from
the client application configuration file.

Modify the binding on the intermediate service touse netNamedPipeBinding

Modify the binding on the intermediate service to use webHttpBinding

See 513 Lyudmyla
ProtectionLevel Indicates the security services requested for an authenticated stream.
Sign Sign data to help ensure the integrity of transmitted data.
None Authentication only.
<webHttpBinding> (
<webHttpBinding> Defines a binding element thatis used to configure endpoints for Windows
Communication Foundation (WCF) Web services that respond to HTTP requests instead
of SOAP messages.
<netNamedPipeBinding> (
<netNamedPipeBinding> Defines a binding that is secure, reliable, optimized for on-machine cross process