Microsoft Exam Questions

You need to configure the ObjectDataSource control to pass the value of the pid field to GetProducts

You are implementing an ASP.NET page.
You add and configure the following ObjectDataSource.
<asp:ObjectDataSource SelectMethod=”GetProductByProductId” ID=”odc”
runat=”server” TypeName=”ProductDAL”>
<asp:Parameter Name=”productId” Type=”Int32″ />
The page will be called with a query string field named pid.
You need to configure the ObjectDataSource control to pass the value of the pid field to
GetProductsByProductId method.
What should you do?

Replace the asp:QueryStringParameter with the following declaration.
<asp:QueryStringParameter DefaultValue=”pid” Name=”productId” Type=”Int32″ />

Replace the asp:QueryStringParameter with the following declaration.
<asp:QueryStringParameter QueryStringField=”pid” Name=”productId” Type=”Int32″

Add the following event handler to the Selecting event of the ObjectDataSource control.
protected void odc_Selecting(object sender, ObjectDataSourceSelectingEventArgs
InputParameters[“pid”] = Request.QueryString[“productId”];

Add the following code segment to the page’s code-behind.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
odc.SelectParameters.Add(“productId”, Request.QueryString[“pid”]);