Microsoft Exam Questions

Which of the following is the method you should create?

Topic 2, Scenario 2
You are making use of Visual Studio 2012 to create an ASP.NET MVC online retail web
Business Prerequisites
The entering of user e-mail addresses should not be compulsory. In the event that a user does
provide an e-mail address, the validity of the address should be authenticated. To motivate users
to keep on browsing the item list, you have to make sure that the first item on the item page
gradually disappears.
Furthermore, you have to make sure that administrators have the ability to manage current client
data, and also identify a default item on the item page.
Technical Prerequisites
A load-balanced web farm, where the load balancer has not been configured to employ server
affinity, hosts the application
With regards to items, you are informed that the itemId property value should not be less than or
equal to 0. Furthermore, the Items page for mobile devices should be presented to mobile users
and the Items page for desktop computers should be presented to desktop users
You are informed that information should be saved in a serialized XML data format, and that
serialized objects should be independent of the schema.
Exception handling:
A page showing support contact details should be presented for IIS exceptions. 404 errors
resulting from expired links cause exceptions to be thrown. Some page links expire, and users
who access these links encounter 404 errors. The WriteLog method of the Utility class should be
used to log these exceptions.
Browser and device support:
The application should allow for .bmp format images to be changed to .jpeg format images for
mobile devices, and to .png format images for desktop computers.

You are informed that a run-time exception takes place every time a user tries to access a nonexistent item from the item page. You are instructed to write code that creates a method that
routes the exception to the CustomException.aspx page.
Which of the following is the method you should create?

The RegisterGlobalFilters method.

The RegisterLocalFilters method.

The JoinGlobalFilters method.

The JoinLocalFilters method.