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Category: 70-513 (v.1)

Exam 70-513: TS: Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (update June 30th, 2014)

You need to tweak the code in order to make it work

Contract exhibit:
[ServiceContract(CallbackContract typeof(INameService))]
public interface IGreetingSennce
string GetMessage0,
public interface INameService
string GetName();
IGreetingService interface exhibit:
public class GreetingService IGreetingService
public string GetMessage()
INameService clientChannel OperationContext Current.GetCallbac kChannel
using clientName = clientChanne[GetName()];
return String.Format(“Hi there {0}, clientName);

Hosting code exhibit:
ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(GreetingService));
NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.None);
host Add ServiceEndpoint(PassGuideAppIGreetingService”,
binding, net.tcp:localhost = “96374″);
host Open();
INameService interface exhibit:
class NameService INameService
string name;
public NameService(string name)
{ = name;
public string GetName()
return name;
There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service PassGuideService.
PassGuideService is self-hosted.
The implementations of contracts, the IGreetingService interface, the hosting code, and the
INameService interface are all being displayed in the exhibits.
At the moment the above code fails at line “return String.Format(“Hi there {0}, clientName);”.
You need to tweak the code in order to make it work.
What should you do? (select three)

Use code…

you need to tweak the performance of PassGuideService so it allows the maximum number calls the methods

[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode =
public class DataAccessService
public void PutMessage(string message)
public string SeachMessages(string search)
return MessageDatabase.SearchMessages(search);
There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service PassGuideService.
PassGuideService is specified in the exhibit.
PassGuideService is used over a TCP binding.
At the moment MessageDatabase only support a small finite number of concurrent executions of
the methods belonging to it.
While not preventing users to connecting to PassGuideService you need to tweak the
performance of PassGuideService so it allows the maximum number calls the methods.
What should be done?

Which code should be used?

public interface ITeamMessageService

string GetMessage0;
void PutMessage(string message);
There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service PassGuideService.
PassGuideService uses the contract being displayed in the exhibit.
PassGuideService is used to share messages between the clients.
You need to ensure that all the clients receive the same message from the GetMessage method,
even if the PutMessage method is used by another client.
Which code should be used?

How can this be achieved?

Data contract Exhibit:
public class Employee
public string Name,

public string City:
public mnt Wage;
public int EMPLOYEEID;
XML exhibit:
<Name xsi:nil”true”/>
<City xsi:nil “true”/>
There is WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) application PassGuideApp.
PassGuideApp uses the data contract being displayed data contract exhibit.
The XML code in the XML exhibit must be produces with the data contract is serialized.
How can this be achieved?

Which code should be used?

public class Machine {
public int Multiply(int x, nty) {
There is WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service which is being implemented.
You use the class displayed in the exhibit.
The class must be exposed as a service named PassGuideA and operation OperationX.
The internal implementation at the service layer should not be exposed.
Which code should be used?

Which interface should be used for PassGuideContract class?


There is WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service PassGuideService.
A data contract PassGuideContract for PassGuideService is being implemented.
PassGuideContract must be forward-compatible.
The round trips must include the information in PassGuideContract.
It should be able to add ew data members to PassGuideContract.
You do have to follow a strict schema validitiy.
Which interface should be used for PassGuideContract class?

How should this be achieved?

Contract exhibit:
public interface IShipping {
[OperationContract] string PassGuideWork(int id);
There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) application PassGuideApp.
There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service PassGuideService.
The contract of PassGuideService is being displayed in the exhibit.
PassGuideApp is also hosting other services.
PassGuideApp endpoints use SOAP 1.2 bindings with WS-Addressing 1.0.
There is one single lister configured in System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging trace source of the
system.diagnostics configuration section.
Only the messeages that the PassGuideWork operation returns should be logged.
How should this be achieved? Select four.

How can you ensure that PassGuideOp1 and PassGuideOp2 runs within the same transaction whenever they are calle

Service implementation exhibit:
class PassGuideService: IPassGuideService
public void PassGuideOp1(string value) {}
public void PassGuideOp2(string value) { }
Contract exhibit:
[ServiceContract(SessionMode s SessionMode Required)]
public interface IPassGuideService
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true, IsInitiating = true)]
void PassGuideOp1(string value);
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true, IsInitiating = false)]

void PassGuideOp2(string value);
There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service PassGuideService.
The contract and implementation of PassGuideService is being displayed in the exhibits.
NetMsmqBinding us used by PassGuideService to listen for messages.
The queue is configured to use transactions for removing and adding messages.
How can you ensure that PassGuideOp1 and PassGuideOp2 runs within the same transaction
whenever they are called within the same session?

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