ISC Exam Questions

Which of the following statements is not true of dumpster diving?

Which of the following statements is not true of dumpster diving?

It is legal.

It is unethical.

It is illegal.

It is a nontechnical attack.

C: Dumpster diving refers to the concept of rummaging through a company’s or individual’s garbage for discarded documents, information, and other
precious items that could then be used in an attack against that person or company. Dumpster diving is legal. Trespassing is illegal, however, and may be
done in the process of dumpster diving. Industrial spies can raid corporate dumpsters to find proprietary and confidential information. Credit card thieves
can go through dumpsters to retrieve credit card information from discarded receipts. Phreakers have been known to dumpsterdive at telephone
companies, hoping to find manuals on how the internals of the telephone systems work.
A is incorrect because dumpster diving is considered legal. Trespassing, on the other hand, is illegal. While the area where garbage is kept is usually not
highly guarded, physical access to the premises is required and dumpsters are often located on private property. Trespassing laws concerning dumpster
diving vary in different states, as well as how rigorously they are upheld.
B is incorrect because dumpster diving is perceived as unethical if used for malicious purposes. Just because something is legal, like dumpster diving,
does not make it right. An interesting relationship exists between law and ethics. Most often, laws are based on ethics and are put in place to ensure that
others act in an ethical way. However, laws do not apply to everything that is when ethics should apply. Some things may not be illegal, but that does not
necessarily mean they are ethical.
D is incorrect because it is true that dumpster diving is a nontechnical attack. Dumpster diving is the act of going through someone’s trash with the hope
of uncovering useful information.