ISC Exam Questions

what security mode can a system be operating if all users have the clearance or authorization and ne

In what security mode can a system be operating if all users have the clearance or authorization
and need-to-know to all data processed within the system?

Dedicated security mode.

System-high security mode.

Compartmented security mode.

Multilevel security mode.

An information-system (IS) security mode of operation wherein each user with direct
or indirect access to the system, its peripherals, remote terminals, or remote hosts, has all of the
following: (a) a valid security clearance for all information within the system; (b) formal access
approval and signed nondisclosure agreements for all the information stored and/or processed
(including all compartments, sub compartments, and/or special access programs); and (c) a valid

need-to-know for all information contained within the IS. When in the dedicated security mode, a
system is specifically and exclusively dedicated to and controlled for the processing of one
particular type or classification of information, either for full-time operation or for a specified period
of time.