ISC Exam Questions

What is the responsibility of the contingency planner regarding LAN backup and recovery if the LAN i

What is the responsibility of the contingency planner regarding LAN backup and recovery if the LAN
is part of a building server environment?

Recovering client/server systems owned and supported by internal staff

Identifying essential business functions

Classifying the recovery time frame of the business unit LAN

Getting a copy of the recovery procedures from the building server administrator

When any part of the LAN is not hosted internally, and is part of a building server environment, it is
the responsibility of the contingency planner to identify the building server administrator, identify
for him the recovery time frame required for your business applications, obtain a copy of the
recovery procedures, and participate in the validation of the buildings server testing. If all or part of
the business is not in the building server environment, then the other three choices are also the
responsibility of the contingency planner. Source: Contingency Planning and Management,
Contingency Planning 101, by Kelley Goggins, March 1999.