ISC Exam Questions

This is true even when the business associates are both covered entities.

Business Associate Agreements are required by the regulation whenever a business associate
relationship exists. This is true even when the business associates are both covered entities.

There are no specific elements which must be included in a Business Associate Agreement.
However some recommended but not compulsory elements are listed in 164.504(e) (2)

There are specific elements which must be included in a Business Associate Agreement. These
elements are listed Privacy Legislation

There are no specific elements which must be included in a Business Associate Agreement.

There are specific elements which must be included in a Business Associate Agreement. These
elements are listed in 164.504(e) (2)

Business Associate Contracts.A covered entity’s contract or other written arrangement with its
business associate must contain the elements specified at 45 CFR 164.504(e). For example, the
contract must: Describe the permitted and required uses of protected health information by the
business associate; Provide that the business associate will not use or further disclose the
protected health information other than as permitted or required by the contract or as required by
law; and Require the business associate to use appropriate safeguards to prevent a use or
disclosure of the protected health information other than as provided for by the contract.