ISC Exam Questions

Computer programs that are based on human logic by using “if/then” statements and infere

Computer programs that are based on human logic by using “if/then” statements and inference engines are called __________________.

Expert systems

Artificial neural networks

Distributed Computing Environment

Enterprise JavaBeans

A: Expert systems emulate human logic to solve problems that would usually require human intelligence and intuition. These systems represent expert knowledge as data or rules
within the software. Expert systems collect data of human know-how and hold it in some type of database. These fragments of data are used to reason through a problem. Rule-based
programming is a common way of developing expert systems. The rules are based on if-then logic units and specify a set of actions to be performed for a given situation. This is one
way expert systems are used to find patterns, which is called pattern matching. A mechanism, called the inference engine, automatically matches facts against patterns and determines
which rules are applicable. The actions of the corresponding rules are executed when the inference engine is instructed to begin execution.
B is incorrect because an artificial neural network (ANN) is a mathematical or computational model based on the neural structure of the brain. Computers perform activities like
calculating large numbers, keeping large ledgers, and performing complex mathematical functions, but they cannot recognize patterns or learn from experience as the brain can. ANNs
contain many units that stimulate neurons, each with a small amount of memory. The units work on data that are input through their many connections. Via training rules, the systems
are able to learn from examples and have the capability to generalize.
C is incorrect because Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) is a standard developed by the Open Software Foundation (OSF), also called Open Group. It is basically
middleware that is available to many vendors to use within their products. DCE has nothing to do with the emulation of human logic. DCE is a set of management services with a
communications layer based on RPC. It is a layer of software that sits on the top of the network layer and provides services to the applications above it.
D is incorrect because Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) is a structural design for the development and implementation of distributed applications written in Java. EJB provides interfaces
and methods to allow different applications to be able to communicate across a networked environment. EJB has nothing to do with the emulation of human logic.