IBM Exam Questions

Which solution meets the criteria of this relationship?

A Service Request workflow requires that a DATASET role use a relationship that selects the person from a Person Group associated with the site on the service request, the Person Group (SITECOOR) has been created, and it associates people to the Use For Site field. Which solution meets the criteria of this relationship?

Parent Object is SR, Child Object is PERSON, Where Clause is PERSONGROUP = ‘SITECOOR’ and USEFORSITE= :SITEID

Parent Object is PERSONGROUP, Child Object is PERSON, Where Clause is SR = ‘SITECOOR’ and USEFORSITE= :SITEID

Parent Object is PERSON, Child Object is PERSONGROUPTEAM, Where Clause is SR = ‘SITECOOR’ and USEFORSITE= :SITEID

Parent Object is SR, Child Object is PERSONGROUPTEAM, Where Clause is PERSONGROUP = ‘SITECOOR’ and USEFORSITE= :SITEID